Sunday, October 19, 2014

Daddy's Helper

Sweetie. I can't even.

Eitan's 4th Birthday

Happy Birthday to our sweet Eitan. 4 years old last Monday. Chol Hamoed Sukkot, so no school, but lots of parties and fun.

First thing in the morning, obligatory Rozmaryn Ring Ding, confused baby brother, and a side of a visiting Savta:

Afternoon, some pals come over for cake, cuties, and a birthday kiss from the sweet Oliva:

And the evening, pizza party with the cousins, more of the cake and a hug from Bubby

Not bad Eitan! Happy Birthday!!!

Big Boy Bike

We can't believe it, but our little guy, our baby who somehow turned 4 last week has ditched his training wheels and is now riding a two wheeler bike. goes:

Apple Picking

A million weeks ago, before all of the chagim, before it was chilly at night, we took the boys apple picking on a Sunday morning (before the Redskins game, obviously).

It was a short and super sweet trip, the boys had such a good time, the weather was great and I love the idea of starting little family traditions. The apples were good too. Really good. Eitan asked for "farm apples" over and over, and they (okay, really Eitan) was so proud over Rosh Hashana to dip the apples that he picked into the honey.

And photos, of course, lots of photos...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Less Kitchen, More Kids

That's the directive I received on the blog content...

And I'm behind, I have great pictures of our adventures apple picking a couple weeks ago to share, but I have been way too busy watching episodes of the West Wing to get them together.

Instead, a medley a few pictures and videos from my phone and one picture of our new sliding doors in the kitchen (sorry) that complete the renovations. Okay, that's a lie, we still haven't finished the shoe molding, and the switch to the exhaust fan is not finished off, but you know...finished-ish.

The boys lounging. There was nothing on the TV, but they were hoping?

Kitchen Update! New Art (this time it's a keeper) and new sliding doors to the patio. They're beautiful and it's so so so much easier to go in and out with sliding doors rather then the old door that kind of hit the table.And the view is wide open. Hooray. Big Shout out to Jackie and Esther Rozmaryn for insisting on the this project so much that they sponsored it!

 Two action shots from the drive back from Rosh Hashana. Wow that foliage in upstate NY is ahead of ours!

Eitan's Rosh Hashana Card. Serious Man up top. Little toddler legs photo bomb on the bottom.

Annual "Dip the Apple" song!

Levavi being a crazy...he really can jump off the stool over and over again for an hour.