Thankfully the little monster is FINE, and the only thing that's innocent about him is his heart murmur, which he does have and will effect him in no way.
He did have to get hooked up to an octopus of tubes all over his little chest and get blood pressure machine "hugs" all over, but again, thankfully, that was it. And the waiting room had Alice in Wonderland the cartoon on, which was supremely exciting to him.
After we got the all clear and I thanked Hashem I let him goof off a little bit on our way back to the parking lot.

Before dropping him back off at school we stopped for celebratory donuts, well he actually had a muffin and me a hot cocoa, because what better way to honor a clean bill of heart health then sugary pastries?
Thank you Johns Hopkins, Thank you Hashem, Thank you sweet brave Eitan!