Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eitan Post Haircut

Our little surfer boy/ blond Einstein gets a bit of a cleaner look.



Doesn't he look like such a big boy?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bethany Beach Trip

Before I started work we joined an extended Shavout trip to the Beach as somewhat of a welcome summer and last hurrah before I start accruing vacation days.

It was a great time, lots of Rozmaryns and cousins and it was wonderful to have buddies for each of our boys- there was a nice crew of under 5 year olds and babies.

Here are some photos that Zayde Jackie took. I took some on my camera too, but they're pathetic compared to his.

Despite how much fun they had, the water was FREEZING, but they loved it!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Videos, Changes, Life, Excitement!

Yes, I've been a little lax on the blogging thing. I promise, it's because we've been busy. And are about to get a lot busier. And no, we're not having another baby.

Well, almost. No, not at all. We're buying a house! And I'm getting back to work (tomorrow!)!

So we're under contract for a house in the Baltimore neighborhood of Pikesville. Hoping to move in late June/early July should all go as planned. I was hesitant to put anything about it out in public land, but we've gotten our funding set, had inspection and our (lovely) sellers have agreed to make all of the repairs we requested. Hooray! And get ready for this little blog to take a little turn as we will do our best to track our plunge into the Do it Yourself world over here, because the house is AMAZING, but needs a ton of updating. We're excited to share that journey over here, as it's going to start taking over a lot of our time.

Here's a sneak peek:

And just a taste of the interior:

And yes, that is fabulous wallpaper, amazing green shag carpeting AND all yellow cabinetry with a yellow fridge to match. We're pumped about each one!

Work! I start tomorrow. I'm going to be the Director of Engagement and Leadership of the Baltimore Jewish Federation, known as The Associated. I'm excited, and nervous and a little more excited.

So here goes nothing. New job, new house, lots of celebrations. Wish us luck...

And a video, so you can remember what our silly kiddos look like:

Thursday, May 2, 2013


4 days, 3 parks, 2 boys, 1 mommy! Okay so my mom was there too but phew an amazing few days.

Here are the pics from my phone. Lots to follow!