Finally put Levavi's room back together again.
This poor humpty dumpty of a room has had burst pipe virtual raining into it, ruined carpeting, lost it's ceiling, had asbestos tiles pulled out, new concrete sub floor put in, but finally after a few days more then a month of being out of commission, it's back and better then ever.
So we are still missing an AC vent that went missing during demo, and haven't hung up the new light yet, but the whole month I was focused on little ways we can make the room back and make it even better.
Everything is back, and I added in a little home made bunting above the crib, and put a new area rug in. The rug was in Eitan's room in DC and until Tuesday, and it was just sitting in the attic. It's totally not necessary in this wall to wall carpeted room, but I like having some more color and pattern in there. And it matches the bunting that I am super proud of crafting, so win-win.
We are thrilled to have the boys each in their own room again. Levers doesn't wake up Eitan before 6am anymore, and Eitan doesn't have to be evicted from his room during early bedtimes or naps. While we love the idea of putting them in the same room eventually, for now, having them separated again is doing wonders for our (and their) sleep.
Also, one silly snow day picture. Yes, another snow day, and yes this is as close to the snow as we got today!