Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Recent Paparazzi-ing

Since we're home with both boys all the time now, we have lots of opportunities to make them (or try to) sit and pose for pictures. They loooove this. Well, Levaver he doesn't care, but Eitan really excels at sitting still and letting us snap away. And I mean the opposite of that.

And we still haven't ever had one professional photograph taken of us. Need to do that ....But for now, from our little point and shoot to this little blog, the boys:

Eitan trying to hold his brother nicely, Lev's not into it so much.

Still not so excited about the camera

Two boys smiling!!!!! Shehechiyanu Moment!

Over the camera

Really over the camera

Cracking up over sticking the sippy cup (aka sikky pup) up his nose...awesome Eitan. Just awesome.

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