Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pesach Vacation in Mexico

We had a great time, but are now paying the price in terms of off schedules, demands for cake and lollipops (by the toddler) and omlett stations, cut mangos and homemade lox (by the daddy) and suitcases full of laundry.

Eitan loved the beach. Especially flinging sand. We sat on the shore and he kept saying "water come back" as the tide went up and down. This trip was Levav's first time in the pool and in the ocean. Many milestones.

He also is THISCLOSE to crawling this baby. Not even five months old! Propping himself on all fours, schootching around like it's going out of style. Adorable.

We took a boat ride around the properties mostly trying to keep Eitan from jumping ship by accident.

But mostly we enjoyed the sunshine, being with the Kbaum side of the family and eating, a lot a lot of eating. Oh, and Ami got the flu and Eitan a ruptured ear drum. But that's too much fun to write about here.

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