Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Redskins Season Opener

So the Redskins season isn't off to a good start, but at least the kids are cute in the gear.

While the daddys were off at FedEx field for the season opener a couple weeks ago, the mommys got the kiddos together for our own (much lamer) party. And got in on the adventure of trying to photograph 3 under 3. Wow, so not easy!

Take 1: All in their gear, Liv's eyes are closed, Lev's checking her out.

Take 2: Levav decides he wants the hat

Take 3: Hat's back, but Olivia doesn't like it, we employ Eitan to restrain Levs. 

Take 4:  Lev can't stop moving so is a giant blur. Olivia is sick of posing. Moms give up.

And the tailgate, of course! Olivia gets back at Levs for the hat stealing and does a little noodle stealing.

Once the game started, Olivia (and mom) were long gone for bedtime, but the boys got to watch the first few seconds.

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