Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekend Away

Last weekend we finally got around to taking Ami's parents up on their anniversary gift of sending us away and watching the kids. It was so lovely.

We were at the Hyatt in the Chesapeake Bay, only an hour and a half from home, but it felt like so much farther a) because of the whole no kids thing and b) because last weekend it was unseasonably warm we were able to be outside, take walks and hang out in the outdoor jacuzzi. 

Upon our arrival and check in we spotted an amazing rainbow outside our window. It was breathtaking. Here are some, do-not-do-it- justice shots from my phone. Oh, and by the way, it was not only one rainbow, but a DOUBLE freaking rainbow. A gift. 

Because most of our getaway was over Shabbat, no real pictures, but check out this view on Sunday morning. Even though we were kid less, it seems that my body can't sleep much past 6am. At least this beautiful sunrise came with it.

We had a great time, the kids probably had a better time with all the movie watching, chocolate eating and general love and attention spoiling, but we are so thankful for the lovely lovely gift and came home so excited to kiss their faces and with some energy to boot.

Happy 8th Anniversary to us!

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