Monday, May 12, 2014

Big Boy Bikes and Mother's Day

The boys are huge nowadays. Like, somehow Levav is a toddler boy, the age that Eitan is in my head, and Eitan, well, he's practically bar mitzvahed! I think I need a pause button, but at the same time, loving these boys as they grow up.

Eitan nowadays is a total smart alec. Has an answer for everything. And does adorable things like saying "Market, Set, Go" instead of "On your mark, get set, go". What a goof.

Levavi, he's a love. He is just a round ball of cuteness, he's become more friendly, waving his hands where ever we go, giving smiles. He loves peekaboo and pulling up his shirt to show off his round belly if you ask him where it is, and pointing to his little nose if you ask about that. The other body seem a bit more, let's say, interchangible?

We had a nice little mother's day morning, we gave Eitan his biggest boy bike, and Levav got Eitan's old bike (that was a present from Levav for Eitan upon being born- what a generous one day one, no?).

It's great. All Eitan wants is to ride his bike and have all his friends from school come over to see his bike. Cutie.

Enjoy the pictures, so much better then reading my silly thoughts.

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