Thursday, June 26, 2014

Little Singer

I can not get enough of Levavi's little voice. Now that he's up to 5ish words (yes, he's quite delayed in words, yes we think it's partially because his older brother is Eitan "never stops talking" Rozmaryn, and yes he's getting speech therapy/lessons to help move him along) he is starting to really understand that sounds/words work in getting him what he wants.

He recently started saying "HI" and "BYE" and the only thing cuter then that is this video of him singing blabbers. Only this cutie boy would sing before speaking.

And I can only video him when he doesn't realize he's being filmed. It's an additional challenge that I'm losing. Hard. So enjoy for a few seconds before he realizes the phone's out. Sorry for the quality of the video, the cuteness should make up for it, I think. And yes, this is what things are like around here.

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