Monday, December 26, 2011

Sixth Night of Chanuka: Rain Fails and Artsy Photos

The sixth night of Chanuka is always important in our family because it's Nina's hebrew birthday. Happy Birthday Sis!

We had big plans for last night- because Sunday nights aren't work nights for me, it was one of the only nights of Chanuka where we could actually go out and do something special. The plan was to walk over to Mamilla Mall where they do a big candlelighting each night with music, sufganiot and kids stuff. And Roladin, the bakery known for the best sufganiot around even has a branch in there for us to indulge in.

The weather however, didn't cooperate at ALL, and it poured and poured the whole day and night, keeping us at home. Wet Chanuka Menorah lighting isn't that appealing (see this post to note that Mamilla Mall is an outdoor corridor).

So we stayed home, did the whole sixth night here, thought of Nina in the Army and called and sang the brachot and songs to Liat Rozmaryn who we're so dying to skype- light with but wasn't home to be able to be in front of a computer and get online. (By the way, this article, is so our lives right now.)

And, while Eitan sat in his chair double fisting (what a fatty) burekas,  Ami got all photographer on us. Enjoy photos of our very own Menorah night six style.

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