Monday, March 5, 2012

Purim Prep

Purim Madness has hit. It's really not at all as crazy as the week before Chanuka, but it's here nonetheless. Bakeries are filled with "auznei haman", haman's ears, such a weird name for a cookie- they're really hamentashen! Many stores have pre made mishloach manot for sale, and there are tons of pop up costume shops all over. Really, every store has turned into a costume shop.

Oh and the Shekel store! Well that place was an absolute madhouse last night- people were buying little bags for their mishloach manot, small candies and treats to fill them, and random stuff to make costumes out of. It was really mayhem! Like Target on black Friday. Don't worry, I got what I needed.

Stay tuned for updates on this crazy week of Purim outside Jerusalem (Thursday), Purim inside Jerusalem (Friday) and all of the costumes and fun that goes along with that.

Here's a preview of some of the sights around the neighborhood.

Purim Greetings out front of a local bakery

Even the Burger shop is in on it with a play on words

After I gave him a taste! This baby is too much!

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