But, on the rare occasions where I have attempted to just chill out and turn on the TV, or tackle a project wanting something int he background, I've come to the following conclusions about Israeli TV.
Plus: There's a whole lot of America programming happening. Like I can go through a bunch of channels in a row only hearing English. Which is nice for me, and there are subtitles, so maybe I'm learning a bit?
Minus: All of the channels and programming have different timing. There's no consistency (that I've seen at least). There are not 30 minute or hour blocks. Some things will start at let's say 10:40, others 11:05, and on another channel 10:25, and it varies from channel to channel, day to day it seems.
Plus: Commercials! There are no commercials in the middle of any program, only extended commercials between programs. It's sweet.
Minus: The shows are outdated. Like a couple years old, if not more. Some, like talk shows (they have the Daily Show, Ellen) are a few days or weeks late, others Oprah are really old. In Israel, Oprah is still running...
Minus: Weird shows! It's really weird. With all of the channels and shows that are on in the US, it's like they picked the craziest ones. The show "the middle" is on, like every day, One Tree Hill also, always on, and the new 90210, always on. I know there are shows that we'd like on, Parks and Recreation, Grey's, and I think even Mad Men, but we haven't been able to figure out when they're on, and besides, the whole working at night thing gets in the way....
Also, I know Israel is a secular country- and I'm all cool with that and everything, but it's weird that TV commercials advertise shows in hebrew for Shabbat. It's just weird for me! Just today while flipping through, and finding E!, there was an ad for a Kardashian Marathon, get this, on Shavout. They didn't even just say "next Sunday", but Shavout! Sounds So wrong!
So all in all, it's not worth turning on the TV here, for us anyways. I can barely figure out how to turn this one on (you have to push TV, power, and THEN "hot" and power. I can't get it straight and am always turning the tv to a snowstorm. I'm happy to stick with US tv online.
Next time you visit, I'd recommend coming with your computer/kindle/ipad loaded!
Nothing to do with this post. Just a cuddle captured by Nina's Iphone. |
I will not read this post because there are no pictures of eitan.