Sunday, July 22, 2012

Future Chemist?

Last week was a major heatwave in Jerusalem, and I was thankful again for our pool membership, and doubly thankful that it's only a few blocks away, which is the farthest distance to reasonably walk.

I KNOW the heat in New York and DC have been unrelenting this year. And compared to those humidity indexes, we have nothing to complain about. BUT, this country has bad AC (if any) so even though it's a few degrees cooler, and there's minimal humidity, with the lack of AC factor, I call it even.

But I digress, Eitan has taken to being a little chemist at the pool. He sits on the edge and just fills his little collection of stacking cups and pours them in to each other quite methodically. And then the shovel and rake, well those also get used to sample the water.

The sight must be funny, a mom in the baby pool, baby on the edge playing with cups. It's hot! If Eitan is too busy to go in, that's his problem...

Ps- How cute is he when he actually wears his sunglasses, instead of asking for them then throwing them on the ground?

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