Now that Ami's working all the time (Friday mornings too! Not fair!), we've lost our photographer, but I've been practicing the art of self portraiture. Not bad, right?
Attempt number 1: Realize Eitan's sunglasses are crooked |
Attempt number 2: Realize I have sunglasses on in every picture |
Attempt number 3: No sunglasses, but Eitan's over it... |
And in other random Rozmaryn Ramblings...
I've finally refined my Jango (it's the European version of Pandora, which like everything amazing from home, is blocked here) stations so that they're almost as good as the Pandora stations I had at home after years of thumbs upping and downing. Almost. The good thing is Jango has WAY less ads, and doesn't have a monthly limit. I don't know if it's available in the US, but check it out, Be warned: It does not guess what songs you'd like next as well as Pandora, and doesn't have as good as a selection of kids music.
It turns out that my beloved watermelon devouring habit is what is behind my recent heartburn. This makes me terribly sad, I love love love it, and would try to eat it to counteract the heartburn. Apparently it's quite acidic. Shoot, man. However, cantaloupe cut up with (super super rich) cottage cheese has been rediscovered and it's even better then I remember from my year here after High School. It's not as refreshing as watermelon, but it doesn't cause me pain after eating it, so it's my new go to snack.
I've been getting really crafty lately, so far last week I made a version of this charger caddy for my phone (to keep it off my nightstand so little toddler fingers can't grab it) and a tether to keep Eitan's sippy cup or snack cup attached to the stroller. And I have another big project in the work...more when it's finished, promise. I guess when you live in a country without buy buy baby and Target, you just figure out ways to get stuff that doesn't exist here in some way or another!
I need to teach Eitan the meaning of the words "all done". When he gives me something, let's say a half eaten bureka, and asks for something else, say water, he'll say "all done". And I might might might just eat said bureka (or pretzel, or ice pop) and he might might might just freak out when he finishes his water and expects it to still be there. So, after much thought it seems "all done" means, please hold said item for me indefinitely in case I ask for it again. Ideas?
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