Thursday, November 29, 2012

Boots Season

One morning this week it was rainy. Finally time to break out the rainboots for something other then washing the floors (yep, that happens). The start of a new season for clothes is always exciting for me- the first time you put on a sweater in the fall, first time you can wear a t shirt in the spring and it seems though that gene has transferred to little Eitan. So far, that's the only one that's made it through. Well, okay second, he has big Kirschenbaum ears.

I don't know who was more excited, me for my new rainboots, or Eitan for his. Either way. It ruled. What was even better was that by the time we left the house it wasn't raining, and the day turned out sunny and beautiful. Best.

When we got home from school pick up and it was time for Eitan's nap, he obviously needed those boots in his crib with him. Because who knows where they could have gone while he was sleeping.

And because this was a momentous occasion, photographic evidence!

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