Monday, January 7, 2013


To make up for lost leisure time during the last few months of Ami's 6 day a week work schedule we're now packing in days of fun during our last few days here and enjoying maternity/paternity leave/unemployment.

The day started with Eitan chowing down on Buffalo wings for breakfast. Normal?

And Levav wearing a pair of pants with a car on the butt. Essential.

So, bowling. Right? We hadn't gone bowling once since we got here, and honestly I don't remember the last time we went even in the US. And we had the scores to prove it. I think I got in the 50's and Nina was the only one to break 100. We're awesome like that.

Oh, and all of the pictures I took don't involve actual bowling.

Nina dressed super intense for the athletic workout. Sidenote, only in Israel does bowling alley food include sandwiches with cut up veggies on the side.

Kayla trying on and sucessfully zipping up Lev's coat. That's size 3-6 months people. Also, I can't find that coat now. I must have packed it, but this picture is taunting me...

Continuing  the trend in posing our children in ridiculous situations.

In other news Eitan's been particularly adorable the last few days. He has been speaking in fuller sentences, saying "I want water" instead of just "water", and also learning the difference between you and me/I, like instead of "pick you up", he'll say "pick me up". It's so sweet but also kind of sad that he's becoming a real boy. The kicker was this shabbat when he asked for more dessert instead of just calling it zert. Sunrise, Sunset people...

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