Sunday, April 14, 2013

Levav's First Food

Levav turned five months this week (whaaatt?) and we decided to start him on some food. And by food I mean a teaspoon of rice cereal with an ounce of breast milk. So kind of more like spooned him some milk...Either way, not impressed.

We did perfect the art of getting that tedious ounce of food into him with the two man offense. Ami spooning an amount into his mouth IMMEDIATELY followed by me sticking the pacifier in his mouth so that he sucks it down. It's working wonders, but not a long term solution. After a few days of this delicious concoction we'll move onto mashed avocados and other soft things, but so far so good. A fun night activity for all...

And yes, once again, we feed our kid naked. It's a good thing we have boys that become of food eating age in the spring!

And for those really interested in the eating habits of one Levav Chanan Rozmaryn, a video of the whole shebang in action:

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