Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Eitan Says More

So remember back when I posted all these ridiculous things Eitan said? Yeah, he's still doing that. And it's nice to have a running list in the "edits" on the blog so we remember. Like half of these things, I would have forgotten already.

Such gems as:

Driving into the Lincoln Tunnel:
Me: Eitan, we're finally here, we're in New York!
Eitan: I was born in New York last night.

At Bedtime:
Ami: Eitan goodnight, I have to go now.
Eitan: Stay.
Ami: I can't.
Eitan: Don't can't

After falling, and crying for a while:
Me: Are you all better?
Eitan: No.
Me: What hurts?
Eitan: The ceiling hurts.

Eitan: I want an orange
Ami (holding Levav): Orange your face
Eitan: Orange your baby Levavi face

Eitan: Why is the chair round?

After a big rainstorm ends
Eitan: I want it to rain again. Mommy, please turn the rain on.

Talking into a slice of cheese
Eitan: This is my iPhone.

And one even captured on camera!

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