We are donating the yellow cabinets and old counters to a re-store salvage place and they are coming a week from Tuesdy, which means everything has to be OUT by then. Then comes out the soffit (the bump down from the perimeter of the ceiling for wiring for lights that we're getting rid of. Then up are the electrician and the plumbers to move the wiring/hoses. Then the cabinets, then the counters, then we decide on floors, blacksplash and paint. I'm tired thinking about it, and hoping we're in a functional kitchen by mid August and decide and finish up the paint/floors/backsplash sometime after that soonish.

I also celebrated independence day by packing up the kitchen- hooray for America!
Pictures of rendering of our plans and demo to come soon. People, this is going to be an undertaking, and the process is going to suck, but much like childbirth, we're prepared all we can and just crossing our fingers and hoping for the best. Unfortunately this experience doesn't offer epidurals...
Wish us luck!
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