Things are are moving along in the kitchen so much so that we see the end in sight! Well, maybe not the end-end, but the ability to use our kitchen. After the last of the "big stuff" we still have a lot of finishing touches- painting, choosing and installing a backsplash, adding the cabinet hardware, sanding and painting the old kitchen table, building a built in bench along the far wall...but the rest, the BIG STUFF so within sight!!!
Here's where we are- funnest first!
There was a pretty crazy rainstorm on Saturday night, and our driveway is puddle heaven. In getting something done in the garage, maybe cutting trim, the kids got out and just had a ball. Particularly the Levs. He lives for puddles. He jumps and jumps and jumps. Another reason I'm glad to have the kitchen end in sight so I can park in the garage again and avoid late-for-school-because-Levav-saw-a-puddle-and-ruined-his-outfit while getting to the car. That guy.

We have floors (almost) yo!!!! The tile guy started Monday morning and will finish up tomorrow. We love the tile! It lightens up the room (as will the counters) looks modern and has a subtle pattern to it bringing in the brown tones of the cabinets, grey of the counters, and white of the future backsplash and table.

Oh, and peek-a-boo, cabinets are in and they are gorgeous and highlight the copper-ness of the range hood exactly as we wanted. I unpacked most of the stuff back in, and will finish once we have all the counters in and the plumbers and electricians are back (hopefully early next week), no reason to move stuff in and out again for them, right?

Anyways, Tisha B'av- a great day to be kitchenless. So that worked out. Oh and did I mention I had an emergency oral surgery this morning- wisdom teeth. All four of 'em. Yanked. Full anesthesia. Fuller cheeks, medium pain for now - NOTHING compared to the pain that they were causing me when it all started on Friday an hour before shabbat (doesn't it always?), sending me to urgent care and nearly begging them to pull all of the teeth on the right side of my lower jaw out, but not feeling awesome and on a soup/smoothie diet right now. I would totally do a cleanse or juice fast, such good timing, except you need a full stomach to take the antibiotics and pain killers. And god, I really, really, need those.
Big shout out to Liz who came by this morning with soup and gatorades- with um, no notice that oral surgery is needed and no kitchen, feeding yourself is complicated and she did a big time mitzvah! Hoping tomorrow to be well enough to enter the world of eggs or mashed potatoes, that might be optimistic however...
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