Monday, January 19, 2015

Catching Up!

It's been over a month since the last post says my calendar, but a busy one, so not lots of time to write down.

Today is MLK day, and I'm off, and the kids are in school HOORAY, so lots of time to take care of the little things that get lost in the organized chaos of the week.

Starting from the beginning? December, I guess,

For the first night of Chanuka it was Yair Rozmaryn's birthday so we hosted a cousin candle lighting and cake/sufganiot gorge. And we even broke their Sapta out of her assisted living facility to join us.

That's Eitan the week before at Pearlstone's family farm day making his own driedel out of recycled materials...little hippie.

The boys were so excited to get their first Chanuka presents- their own menorahs courtesy of Bubby and Zayde Rozmaryn

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