Sunday, November 13, 2011


A lot of people have asked how we packed for a year away. Thankfully, we moved into a furnished apartment, complete with linens and a kosher kitchen, which made the whole endeavor of packing less complicated. Unfortunately, coming with a little Eitan made things more complicated because we needed to come ready with a couple sizes of clothing, toys, books and all kinds of baby things that I was worried we couldn't get here, or I wouldn't understand the instructions well enough to know what I was getting.

So in the end the grand total was 6 suitcases, 2 laptops, a carseat, a booster chair, a ukelele and 2 strollers. Which seems like a lot.

While unpacking  I noticed was that I packed: 9 cardigans (3 of which are black- but they all serve different purposes, really) and 13 dresses. Okay, so maybe that's a little excessive.

Ami packed: 2 sports jerseys (Capitals and Redskins), but no coat...not a rain coat, a light jacket, winter coat, nothing. He thinks his hoodie sweatshirt will be enough. I'll be sure to keep you updated on that.

And for Eitan: 15 board books, 3 different types of balls, 3 different sizes of clothing in weather for all seasons (thank you Will Levin again, for being born a year before him and being such a great sharer), three different types of baby butt cream, and 6 kiddie specific CDs.

In addition, which I'm now feeling the most ridiculous about, a 25 pound bag of toiletries and medicines of which got a costco sized pepto bismol bath. Thankfully, my mom is still around and cleaned it all up while we were all sleeping. It's really funny to wake up to a drying rack full of medications. Thanks mom.

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