Monday, November 14, 2011

Morning at the Playground

Eitan pokes the dragon in the eye.
Eitan and I had a big morning out at Gan Hapamon, Liberty Bell Park (which is only a 10 minute walk from our apartment) while Ami got in a nap following his early morning shift with a still jet-lagged Eitan at 5am.

It was the first time I saw a swing in this country and I think I was more excited then Eitan. He makes the best giggles on the swings. We had some more swing time, Eitan tried to climb the slide, and we explored the park's monster.

I really hope the weather stays mild so we can have lots more relaxed playtime outside where Eitan can explore and crawl (maybe even walk or run one day) around. 

It was a beautiful day- warm in the sun, crisp in the shade and then it started pouring once we were all home and settled in.



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