Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jerusalem Botanical Gardens

So last Friday we took a visit to the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. We're trying to do all of these outdoorsy activities before it gets brutally hot. Which it kind of was already on Friday, but it's just going to get worse...

So we cabbed over there and were greeted with this beautiful entrance, a windy path road down filled with flowers.

As we walked around we saw lots of different trees and plants, but spent the most time in the North American area hanging out with familiar trees.

We discovered a little stream that Eitan just became enthralled with. The thing is, he wouldn't let us hold his hand, and it was rocky and slippery and he almost fell like a million times, so I put the kibosh on the whole adventure and he FLIPPED OUT. Like the worst meltdown of his life. All he wanted was to go in the water, and not just that stream, the main pond in the front of the gardens, smaller little ponds scattered around, waterfalls, whatever. Of course, when we got home and it was time to take a bath he was having none of that, but wow, maybe we should start bathing him outdoors.

So even though our little outing was cut short due to a toddler freak out, it was still beautiful, and we recommend you make a visit. Plus there's a branch of the famous Caffit restaurant over there, so go for dinner and a walk on a breezy cool Jerusalem night? We might just have to go back and do that ourselves.

Of course, we didn't leave before Ami got up in the flowers to take some pictures.

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