Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Most mornings Ami gets up with Eitan and does all the "morning stuff" with him- first diaper change, brushing teeth, breakfast. I know, for anyone that knew Ami in high school or college (or grade school, middle school too, I imagine) it's absurd that he does, but because I'm working at night now, getting up with Eitan at 6 is just not going to happen.

This morning for some reason I wasn't so tired and got up with him. I let him out of his crib and gave him his milk, and then went to get a robe or flip flops or something. When I came into the living room, I heard him but I couldn't see him. And yes, I was wearing my glasses...and yes at 6:05 am it is already sunny in that side of the apartment.

And then I spotted him. Sitting behind the pink chair in the corner of the living room near the bookshelf, playing with his truck and very busy with my laptop. Obviously, I had to run get my camera.

Check it:

And then, he came out of isolation crawling under the chair:

He's been really into getting into small spaces lately, under the table, under chairs, in corners...a few minutes later I was at the table checking my email and this little head pops up from under the chair...the grey stripe on the left is the side if the chair (with me on it) and there the little face was just hanging out...by the time I tried a shot of his feet on the other side of the chair, he was gone. Shame.

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