Thursday, June 14, 2012


Eitan gets into phases with books. Like he gets totally obsessed with one book for a couple weeks and NEEDS to hear it at minimum 15 times a day. He brings it to us while we're in bed in the morning, knocks on  the bathroom door calling us to read it, even if .we just finished it, he wants more.

And then after a week or two, it's onto the next one.

Right now, we're in a hard core Goodnight Moon phase. It took a while to get started, because he would ask for "animal duce" and we had no idea what he was talking about. As it turns out "animal duce" is Goodnight Moon, you'll see.

So one day, I had a stroke of brilliance or maybe awful parenting. I asked Ami to video me reading him the book so that if I needed to do something for a minute or I've read it 10 times in a row, I could have a break.

Without further ado, I present, "animal duce", enjoy:

Goodnight moon from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.

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