Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eitan's Latest

Last year, in Eitan's first year on this planet, I'd send a monthly email with pictures and videos about what he's been up to to family and some out of town friends. I love that I have these emails and can look back on all of those milestones. And sit in shock at how much he's changed.

This year, the blog serves as a similar diary, but mostly in the context of other things we're doing. But he's been making some huge talking changes, so you know, here goes. If you don't care about our baby babblings and other non sense, please feel free to skip this post. But I have a feeling that you people tune in here for the real star of our family, and not because you care what his parents are doing or up do.

Without further ado:

Eitan's favorite new words- and what we've figured out they mean.

Mano- water
Wanamenon- watermelon
Billup - fill up (usually in the context of him pushing a sippy cup in our face)
Waaan- fan
Bencin- medicine (he asks for his ear infection bubble gum flavored medicine often)
Datoou- cracker
Tutumba- cucumber
Mootayo- motorcycle
Diyin- crying

He's become very very verbal the past month or so, narrarating our daily walks and outings. He strings together three word sentences and repeats everything he hears. Which doesn't always work out so well for us.  He loves saying HI and Bye Bye to motorcycles, and busses, lets us know when he hears an airplane or truck go by, and my personal favorite, reporting whenever he sees or hears a baby crying, when we pass the bureka store, or children on the street.

Most recently, mid one of his own cries for some terrible offense we inflicted on him (not letting him pour his cereal on the floor maybe? Changing his diaper when he had a different agenda, I don't remember) he stopped, looked at me in the face and said, EITAN DIYIN (crying), and then started to cry some more. It was hilarious and I will now dedicate myself to getting a similar exchange on video.

He's also been very into hiding. See?

 Here's a video of his mad skills:

Hiding in Bed from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.

So that's the update on our Eitan at 1 year 9 months!

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