Sunday, July 8, 2012

For the Phish Fans

Ok folks, a break from our regularly scheduled blogging.

First, last week this little site hit over 5,000 page views. Woah. Like woah. Thanks for reading along with our adventures!

Second, it seems like lately worlds have been converging at Phish shows all over the NY/NJ area. My mom and Aviva/Dadu are meeting up all over commiserating about how terrible we are for taking Eitan away from them, kvelling when they play songs that Eitan liked rocking out to and generally just being Phish-y. The next week my mom ends up in the same row as Ash and Rachel at a different concert.

So in honor of all our Phish family, I decided to break out Eitan's 2T shirt that my mom bought for Eitan last year when he was just a little nugget. I know she's been waiting for it to fit.  And even though it's still pretty big and didn't stay on long, it did long enough to snap some pics of Eitan in it, and for some reason he decided he needed to be doing weird things with his monkey doll while wearing it. I'm telling you, Phish brings out the weirdness!

Enjoy our little T shirt photo shoot. More to come when it actually fits him in a few more months. 

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