Thursday, October 25, 2012

Recent Rambles

Everything's going well in the Rozmaryn house. We're settling into a routine with Eitan in school three days a week, Ami at work 6 days a week and football practice two nights a week and my getting some actual free time during Eitan's school days. This week during my free mornings I had a pedicure, a shuk trip and time to catch up on TV shows. Which is a big deal considering in this last year I was with Eitan all days and working all evenings really cramping my free time situation.

So if you're wondering, that's why the blog has been a bit quieter lately- we're just all doing our thing. And waiting on the little bundle of excitement that will hopefully make it's debut sooner rather than later.

For now, here's a bit of fun daddy-toddler bonding from last week: Juggling Lessons take 1.

Jungle-ing from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.

Eitan might definitely be showing us that the terrible two's are our boss sometimes, but when he forgets about his recent birthday, he's pretty much adorable.

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