Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Eitan's Exclamations

Eitan has been saying such funny stuff lately. He's just hilarious. Most of the time unintentionally. He's really learning how to put sentences together, and have little conversations. It's so fun. He's also JUST getting the grasp of the differences between "me" and "you", for example, instead of "mommy pick you up", it's now "mommy pick me up". Brilliant this one.

We keep saying, oh oh, let's remember this, but then forgetting a few hours later, so we put some down here to remember. Let's try to remind ourselves to do this once a month or so, k?

On looking up at the moon one night: Moon pick you up?
After pointing to the ground in the stroller: I want to eat the ground
The day we taught him about private parts: Cookies are public
While holding the remote to his ear: Daddy, call the TV (handing Ami the remote)
After headbutting Levav: I hurt you self on baby
While Ami was putting him to bed: Daddy, do you like mommy? I like mommy.

Uch, he's cute. I know we're not supposed to say so because we're his parents but omygosh, I can't help it.

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