Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Levav at Four Months!

 I can't believe this fella is already four months old. And I can say with confidence that he's just cute. Not parent cute, but legit cute (you know parent cute, right? Like cute like a parent would think a baby is cute, but not like, the rest of the world).

He's changing so quickly, I forget how fast it goes.

He's a big smiler, loves people and being held, and always wants to be sitting upright either on a lap or in the bumbo chair. He's pretty angelic during the day. At night, he's still up about a million times, the little devil (see below for evidence in outfit form), but during the day, he's a dream.

Lev is starting to really play with toys, reaching for them when he's on his tummy and we put them a bit in front of him and kicking and grabbing in his gymini mat when on his back. He rolls over, from stomach to back, and is just starting to a little bit start moving and scootching. It's nuts, he might end up being a really early crawler...we're in trouble.

Now that Eitan's in school every day, I feel like we're finally really getting some quality time. Like real maternity leave rather than "keep the toddler entertained and from smacking the baby around" time.

Levav's Dance Party from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.

After just getting back from a visit to the family in New York (some pictures to come later this week, obv) we have a wonderfully busy next couple of weeks with sisters returning from Israel (yay!) a trip to Mexico for Pesach (yay!) and more house and job stuff, so you know, keep in touch.

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