Friday, June 28, 2013

Eitan in Camp!

Eitan's summer camp started on Wednesday, and he has been loving it! We are so lucky that it's been a smooth transition for him and he's jumped right in. It might be because on the first day they greeted the kids with lollipops, and yesterday they decorated cupcakes (and brought home a couple too- THANK YOU CAMP!), but they're smart cookies over there because he's literally a very happy camper.

And they send pictures! Here's the first batch with shots that Eitan is in. Because the other kids are cute, but like, you don't really care to see them...

The house is coming along we have new carpet, two of the bedrooms painted, and are working on the third getting done this weekend. I'm proud to say that I'm anal and crazy enough that every box is unpacked, albeit unpacked meaning dumped in a place. Next week I hope to get things a bit organized and pretti-fied, and slowly slowly we'll hang pictures, put up new drapes, etc.

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