Sunday, June 16, 2013

Videos: Levav Eats Applesauce and Eitan Sings the ABCs.

Seriously. That's all this is. A post with two videos, 6 minutes and 26 seconds of our sweet boy eating applesauce and making faces and sounds and a very super accurate 55 second rendition of the pre-school favorite. And I just realized both of these videos take place in the highchair, the only place we can keep them contained, albeit, only one at a time.

I can imagine maybe two of you out there in internet land will watch more then 20 seconds. But Mommy goes to work all day and asked Daddy to take videos, so here we are. Plus, this kid is cute. And has great faces and cheeks. And makes great sounds. And we are so into him!

Our little Eitan loves to see pictures and videos of himself. So much so, that every time I break out the camera, he asks to see (which sounds like Inaasee, which I figured out after longer then you'd think ) before I can even record or snap a photo. If you watch, you'll hear a bunch of requests for seeing. I love it. And love the way he sings this song. And that in his world there's no D or K and there is a series of letters that are F W F.

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