Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fun with Savta

This month Eitan's had a lot of quality time with my mom since she's been here in Israel. And she likes to take him out to explore which gives us time to run various errands, go to movies or just get settled in. They like hanging out a lot. Eitan, because his Savta gives him endless food (have I mentioned Eitan eats like, non-stop in this country?) and my mom to soak in all of the Eitan she can get while she's here. 

They're pals those two, and so far have gone to a whole bunch of parks, spent a day in Tel Aviv, gotten lunch  on Emek Refaim, and of course, pedicures (for my mom and Nina, Eitan just watched...). Here are some snapshots which she's shared. More to come when I can get my hands on her camera's memory card. 

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