After lunch and a stroll around Nachalat Binyamin, we headed for the
Shuk HaCarmel to check out what was fresh or interesting. When we used to take trips to Israel when I was younger I remember hating the Shuk. It was dirty, smelly and crowded. Either it's gotten cleaner, better smelling and less crowded, or I have become dirtier, smellier and less sensitive to crowds, because I love it now! Love!
Apples! |
There was tons of crap, don't get me wrong. Highlights include weird T shirt vendors and random toy "stores" (filled with toys that make loud music made from plastic from China- the horror). There was however, also TONS of amazing fruits and veggies, a fantastic cheese shop where we got pesto flavored cheese- we're going to make amazing tomato sandwiches with it- and of course, boxes and boxes of gummies.
Eitan's stroller served as our shopping cart and our pushy Israeli barracade. So thanks Eitan for that.
I dream about this booth. |
Yes, sometimes Eitan gets sick of us taking endless pictures of him. |
You like getting dirty now - it's because of AB!!!! Michelle