Monday, April 30, 2012

In Case of a Bad Day:

Take Eitan's advice and SMILE.

That balloon was a gift from the folks at the Orange store yesterday. And here in Israel, orange is not just a fruit, but the name of a cell phone company. Now, you might ask, why is an Israeli phone company named Orange- in English? No clue...but it is.

And they gave it to him for having such good behavior while Nina was taking care of some business. And by good behavior I mean demanding to be let out from his stroller and running around the store like a crazy man running into the employee only section and trying to knock down all the displays. Greeeeatt.

But once the balloon came into play, well, the whole afternoon turned around and it was all about big laughs and peek-a-boo.



  1. Orange is a european brand. I think French.

    1. Still makes no sense though. I mean, I get why they'd want to be American wannabes however. The fact that they're French DOES explain a lot about their overall attitude and behavior though. Jerks...
