Tuesday, April 24, 2012


It seems that although we were gone for three weeks, the ledge outside our bedroom window was occupied, because we found (and by we I mean Ami) the beginnings of a bird's nest. Over the past couple days we've seen one bird "mommy" sitting on this little pile and another bird "daddy" bringing over more supplies.

Which is awesome because we hadn't seen them for the first couple days we were back, so thought they got scared off. But no, they're hanging out, mostly in the mornings making sounds like "ho ho ho ho". Come and visit and you can hear my imitation in person, or just come hang out in our room and hear the real thing.

They do get scared off when Eitan screams or when we get too close to the window (like when I took this picture, sorry bird!) but seem to come back a bit later. So that's cool.

Mommy Bird

Nest is all the way right in a shady spot under the leaf branch!


  1. Was this some sort of hint?

    1. Not at all! We have a nest! Sadly, the bird has abandoned us, and now we have an empty nest...
