Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Coolest Mom Ever?

In a few years when Eitan's going through a terrible teenage rebellion, I am going to show him this post and remind him that one time I was an awesome mom.

It's summer in Jerusalem. It's hot. I am obsessed with ice. Ice coffee, Ice water, and now, Ice pops. I thought it would be fun to freeze yogurt in the popsicle molds I bought a bit ago and give them to Eitan as a treat (and for us to, obviously). He usually gets yogurt mixed with milk in his sippy cup as a lazy mom breakfast, but on this day, he got a yogurt ice pop.

Oh man was this baby excited! And also serious about it. You'll see. Ami tells me sometimes my posts have too many pictures of the same thing. But how can I pick? These are all a little different! And it was such a fun morning!


  1. Mimi- just keep doing what you've been doing - actually even more pictures.....

  2. hey mimis, i know where you got that from. do you remember when we use to get 30 scoops of dr. lek's ice cream and eat it. everyone looked at us like i was the worst mom, but you guys thought i was great. now you know how great of a feeling it is.
