Sunday, June 3, 2012

Israel Museum Outing

Last Thursday, or maybe Wednesday (I can't remember, pathetic?) we finally loaded ourselves onto the number 14 bus and headed to the Israel Museum.

It's something we've wanted to go to see since, um, the day we got here, but I guess we're so spoiled by coming from the land of free museums in DC, that it seemed like going needed to be a big deal. Or that's what I've told myself. In actuality, it would have been great to go one of those million rainy days in the winter, but be that as it my, we went, and it was awesome.

The museum was somewhat recently redone and reorganized and it was great. Highlights were a lot of the video installations, which is a surprise because I usually hate them, classic works by the artists we've all heard of, and two synagogues that were somehow transported from their former homes straight to the Israel museum. Oh, and the clothes were amazing- old Jewish wedding dresses from all over the world and such. And there was a great display of menorahs from all over the world organized by country, also very cool.

Buster Bluth Hand Chairs!!!!

What I would look like if I had horns. Hilarity by Ami Rozmaryn.

So we had a good time. Except for when we stumbled into this exhibit called "Good night" which was really weird. I got excited for a minute because they had a room modeled after the room in Goodnight Moon, but I guess I've been reading it so much that I was very quickly about to see that the details were all wrong (there was no quiet old lady whispering hush, no kittens or mittens or mouse or toy house).

And, if you go, do yourself a favor and bring your own food or snacks. Although it's terribly convenient that the in-museum restaurants are kosher, the dairy one was really not good, and the meat one very expensive and fancy (ie does not work for an outing with a certain Eitan Rozmaryn).

View out of the museum onto the city.

Next time we go we're going to spend more time at the sculpture garden which features a Calder mobile and a Claus Oldenberg (he's way famous- name that movie...) apple core, among others. It had just gotten to be too long of a day. And what's cool is if you go again with in three months you only pay half admission. So we're there!

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