Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chanuka's Coming!

Someone buy one for me, ok?

So Chanuka starts tonight. Where'd that come from? Sufganiot have taken over this city since Rosh Chodesh almost a month ago, and dreidels and sales in toy stores have been everywhere, but I guess, for this American, it doesn't feel like Chanuka without Christmas.

It's nice that Chanuka's the real deal for once, don't get me wrong, and we're so excited to celebrate with Eitan now that he (kind of) knows what's going on, but it is really weird not to see Christmas trees, ornaments, Santas, Carollers...We'll see what happens over the next 8 nights.

For now, some Chanuka prep we saw on our grocery run this morning. Displays everwhere with these driedel shaped boxes filled with little treats. They were so cute. And in the bakery section of the store, two men, a vat of oil, and a pastry bag to stuff the jelly in the doughnut. Eitan was just sitting happily watching these guys do their thing for a good 15 minutes.

But, the most exciting thing that we saw today, was that the public busses, in the front where the display shows the number, flashes with the message "Chanuka Sameach". It was awesome. Couldn't snap it in time though...one of these days.

So many sufganiot, only 8 nights.

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