Ha those candles look like they're attached to Eitan's head. |
Last night we celebrated the first night of Chanuka.
We had all of the "ingrediants" ready to make the first Chanuka that Eitan gets what's going on (kind of) exciting. Yes, we know, he won't remember it. Shoot man, he probably forgot it already and it's been a day, but we have proof right here that his parents did Chanuka right for him!
We had candles (from which Eitan needed to be restrained from).
We had driedels. Israeli driedels that has sides representing the great miricle that happened Here ( Poh, with a Pei) not There (Sham, with a Shin). For more on that, our friends at Wikipedia come to the rescue.
We had presents. Courtesy of Eitan's uncle Gadi, aunt Tia Jackie and cousins Liat and Itai.
And, we of course, had more Sufganiot.
So, Chanuka night 1, success! Right?
At this point, we're feeling pretty good about ourselves as parents. Even though Eitan had some doughnut, it's all good, it's his first Chanuka!
But then, our real Chanuka Miricle happened. Eitan Rozmaryn took his first steps! Two steps with Ami while I was hiding out in a quiet room on a work conference call, and then followed by threes and fours once I was off and back in mommy mode. Is there anything better? Ever? I mean, yeah so the Jews getting to keep being Jewish is cool, and the oil lasting 8 days in the Beit Hamigdash too, I guess...But, STEPS! Eitan really must have appreciated all of our efforts and decided to throw us a bone. Or maybe it was the sugar.
Either way, here it is, Eitan and four steps. Or maybe it's a slow fall, but we're taking it.
And here is my post- walking shock/crying/laughing courtesy of paparazzi Daddy Ami. And Eitan looking at me like it's no big deal and I'm a total crazy. This happens often, I know the drill.
So, Chag Sameach and here's to seven more nights! Still to come, making latkes, chocolate gelt, more presents (even one from us for Eitan, believe it or not), and lots more family and parties...
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