What do you mean I look cold? |
Our little round faced, squinty smiling baby was wearing: a short sleeve onesie, a long sleeve shirt, a puffer vest, jeans, socks and shoes. For the record, I did have a jacket for him under the stroller, because sometimes the temperature feels like it swings 20 degrees from the sunny side of the street to the shady side- especially when the wind blows.
The weather in Jerusalem was 64 degrees. I was wearing jeans, a t shirt and a sweater and was sweating.
So, to the 4.5. Two were straight up, "kar lo", or he's cold, with an accusing glare at his equally improperly dressed mother. One told me that I should "sim lo et hameil", put his coat on (how did she know I had one?). Number four said "oolayi hoo kar", maybe he's cold. And the half, well, as I took his hat out of my bag to put it on him said, "I was about to tell you to put a jacket or hat on him".
Let me clarify that I don't know any of these people, was not in mid conversation or had even made eye contact with them when these interactions took place. And, most surprising to me, was that they were not all old ladies (they were all ladies though)! One even looked younger then me.
So, if you come visit us in Jerusalem, and you have a little one, unless you have perfected the art of smiling and nodding, make sure to dress your kid in the Celsius equivalent to the Fahrenheit temperature. Just sayin'. Or you can be like me, a rude New Yorker at my core and answer back totally straight faced (okay, maybe a little grimaced by the 3rd person), "hoo beseder", he's fine.
By the way, may I repeat that it was 64 degrees people. Yes!
Last Friday, we had a cold snap and I anticipated even more people on the street telling me Eitan was cold. So I got him dressed in this getup. It makes no sense for us to have this fleece jumpsuit here, but I bought it at like 90% off at baby Gap in Savannah last winter, actually on our Disney road trip that we were on exactly one year ago. The good news is no one bothered me about him being cold in it, but he was a bit of a sweat head when we got home. So I guess not much of a cold snap after all. He loves it- who wouldn't, so maybe we'll have a couple more cold days while it fits (which doesn't seem like very long, poor planning ahead on my shopping part, it was probably cold enough for him to wear it in DC a couple of months ago, but ok, you win some, you lose some).

Last Friday, we had a cold snap and I anticipated even more people on the street telling me Eitan was cold. So I got him dressed in this getup. It makes no sense for us to have this fleece jumpsuit here, but I bought it at like 90% off at baby Gap in Savannah last winter, actually on our Disney road trip that we were on exactly one year ago. The good news is no one bothered me about him being cold in it, but he was a bit of a sweat head when we got home. So I guess not much of a cold snap after all. He loves it- who wouldn't, so maybe we'll have a couple more cold days while it fits (which doesn't seem like very long, poor planning ahead on my shopping part, it was probably cold enough for him to wear it in DC a couple of months ago, but ok, you win some, you lose some).
eitan is totally rocking a Luke Skywalker look in that last pic http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/hu/b/bb/Luke_Skywalker.jpg