Friday, January 6, 2012


So, from a couple steps on the first night of Chanuka, Eitan's finally got a hang of this walking business.  All it took was some bambas for our little sabra to get motivated. Who knew that the secret to success would be treating our baby like a dog and offering treats? We'll make sure to keep it in mind when it comes to potty training.

Anyways, we're super proud of our little puppy who months after everyone (even our pediatrician) told us would be "walking any day now", is.

Shabbat Shalom!


  1. the first yards of little eitan's life!

  2. That's WALKING. I felt bad telling you that the other video was legit falling and not walking. (keep in mind this is the Mom's whose little 10/13 man didn't walk until 19 months - so feel free to tell me to shut up!!!) LOOOOOOOVVVVEEE to EAR (figure it out and who knew that works out like that)

  3. Does Ami always keep Bamba in his pocket?
