Sunday, January 15, 2012

By the way...

Did I forget to mention that we got Eitan a real toy? Like one actually intended for children?

Well I did. And I saw it in this crazy Israeli Amazing Savings type place for 100 something Shekels and I snapped that baby up and CARRIED IT HOME, balancing it on top of the stroller handlebars all the way from town- a 25 minute walk. For some reason, it seemed too daunting to try to get on the bus with all of the stuff, but walking seemed do-able. I don't know. But we made it. And Ami didn't even get too mad.

And Eitan loves it. He loves putting things in the basket, most recently a plunger and two socks, loves riding on it and pushing it. It's just the best. Now we just have to figure out what to do when we go home. I'm thinking this one will probably stay here in Israel...

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