Saturday, March 10, 2012

Purim in Pictures

Because each is worth 1,000 words, right? Or maybe because I'm a little lazy tonight. You can decide...

Wednesday: Breaking the fast on homemade hamentaschen (even though it wasn't Jerusalem Purim yet)




Thursday: Purim in non-walled cities! Seudah at the Horn/Lawrences in Neve Daniel

Their grandparents also had Seudah together just a few thousand miles away.
Eitan refuses the defining elements of his costume. His costume was a  Texas Tuxedo, Daddy as a  sheriff.

Friday: Purim in walled cities! Seudah at the Maller's in Nachlaot.

Eitan gets conned into wearing his whole costume for 5 seconds! Sheriff and Cowgirl!

Only picture of the three of us. And no one's drunk here...believe it or not.  Poor Eitan. These are your parents...

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