Monday, March 19, 2012

Randoms of Late

Nothing that exciting has been going on here, but some snippets from what we've been up to, in pictures, words and video:

1. Pictures

Trying on Daddy's shoes...and falling down. This occupies Eitan endlessly.

Last week I actually asked Ami to turn the oven to "number 7 and the nuclear sign". Which I've learned thanks to many experiments and a trusty oven thermometer (amazing purchase) is really 350 degrees on the convection setting of the oven.

Still enjoying the beautiful pink tree outside our front window. It really is amazing. And little blue birds sometimes come hang out.

The Jerusalem Marathon was last Friday and the runners came right down Emek Refaim. It was terribly rainy and cold, but we did get out for a bit. A highlight was these two entertainers dancing around to motivate the runners, and I imagine also the soggy spectators.

I broke my waterbottle. It's been my second mate (to Eitan) this whole time, because Israeli tap water is so yucky, that I always bring my own Brita water. But apparently I just clean too hard, and disconnected a piece that should not be. Ami tried to fix it, but it's a no go. Will need to replace this bad boy when we go home...

2. Words

Our across the hall neighbor has an aide, who's name is Nina. She's Russian, and her Hebrew, well, it's even worse than mine (even though Ami overheard me on the phone for something yesterday and told me he was very impressed with my Hebrew. So that's nice). Every time she hears us going out the door she'll run to their door, and bring out some candy or chocolate to give to Eitan. I keep telling her no no, he doesn't need it, but literally, she shoves past me and hands it directly to him. WTF? So now I'm working on the art of leaving SO QUIETLY. It's not working. I swear she has her ear on the door. It's very sweet of her, I know, and she must be lonely with just her and the old lady around all day, but just say hi! I've told her, just come and say hi, no need for cake or candy. But she says all children need it. And when I try to take it away from Eitan when we get outside, well that's just mean and he freaks out...ideas? Any Russian speakers that want to come help us out?

3. Video

This is already an old video, from Purim a couple weeks ago, but I forgot about it. Bust-a-move Eitan. He only remembers to "dance" if you tell him to. Sweet boy.

Bust a Move Eitan from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.

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