Sunday, December 16, 2012

Family Day on Nina's Base

Once every year Nina's base hosts families to come visit, reinforcing the notion that this phase of Nina's life really is very similar to camp. After a day there I've decided that the Israeli army, at least this slice of it is a combination of summer camp, college and prison.                                                 The Mallers and me and the two boys trekked down south to go check out Nina's home away from home. And Nina came too, because she's on vacation this week. Even though Nina works as a medic in the infirmary all day, it was really cool to be on the base and check it all out, and they did a great job showing off all of the cool air force-y stuff.                       Eitan was obviously in two year old heaven as he is obsessed with airplanes (or a-panes) and pretty much begs to go play at the Mallers on a regular basis. 

The day was spent visiting the infirmary, meeting all of her army friends and being a part of the whole family day shebang- they had planes on display, felafel and other snacks, an airshow, and explanations of what they do on the base in general. 

Ami said this picture reminds him of a scene in Dr. Strangelove. I never saw the movie, but here's the clip. And, I got in trouble for letting him go up there. Apparently there had been a rope up that the unruly families trampled that I didn't notice. Whoops. 

Here's a view of Lev's perspective on the day from my ergo carrier.

Doesn't Eitan look like a real mini-pilot? Between that jacket and the earplugs, oh man is this cute?

Mallers plus Eitan the Maller-wannabe.

This is pretty much how I roll nowadays, one baby in the carrier, another in my arms. I'm getting pretty good at carrying around a million pounds of kid, and have the backache to prove it.

So that was our day in the air force. Good times.

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