Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Balancing Act

We were warned that the first few months of having two kids just two years apart was going to be hard, and it is quite the balancing act. It seems there is always someone that needs to eat, have a diaper change, be put down for sleep or is in general distress about life. 

But we're getting there, and each week we navigate this balancing act we think a bit better. 

Here are some highlights from the last few days:

Balancing two babies on the street (Lev hiding in the carrier on the left shot), and balancing two babies at home. 

Daddy's handiwork putting one of Eitan's diapers on Lev. This is what we get for not being able to pull of potty training Eitan before Lev's arrival. 

Brother story hour. I love how baby is looking up at his big bro in this one.

Levavi sporting an outfit that was mine! And smiling about it! I imagine he won't be smiling over his mother's hand me downs forever, so glad we captured this. This little turkey now weighs in at 11.5 lbs.

And for comparison's sake, here are shots of these two guys. Eitan on the left at 10 weeks, Lev on the right at 6 weeks.

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