Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Strawberry Season

Along with Chanuka and sufganiot season around here is also a much less caloric and oily seasonal treat-strawberries.                                                      As weird as it is to eat perfectly ripe, juicy strawberries in the middle of a bone cold rainy Jerusalem winter day, when things are in season here, you just go for it. And freeze them so that come summer strawberry pies and shakes are available. 
Thankfully it's a long season- I remember getting strawberries in the shuk last year almost through Purim. So we're not going to worry about freezing just yet, and are just going to enjoy these sweet little healthy bites.

Here's Eitan enjoying the first of our winter treats:

In this first batch, we had a real surprise- Siamese twin strawberries! Check it. How cool? I'm glad I'm not pregnant anymore (for a million reasons...) because I'd worry it was a sign or a message about what was growing in there. Thankfully there was just one little (big) baby Lev in there and yes, I was too freaked out to eat or cut up these twins.

PS- How good is that picture of the strawberries up top? I'm so impressed with my photo skills right about now.

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